Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Dragon Fly

To create more scope within the soldering work I have introduced flat lead glass animals and angels . Many of the students liked this idea so first up was this dragonfly. The wings are lead glass and the body coiled up 1.5 and 3mm wire. Eyes are beads made from heating brazing rod to form little balls.The soldering is tarnished/aged with acid.

Zainny Backscratchers

A new year of year nine students and its back to the backscratchers as they try their new learnt skills out on the bandsaw.
 The students cut their first profile then nail it together and cut out the second side. It gives one a great effect. Students who are able to cut their patterns out accurately could as easily cut out a basic ball and claw or cabriole/Queen-Anne leg for a table

Monday, 9 May 2016

From pens to pencils

This year we are trying out the pencil as an extra to the pen. So far the students have found them easy to do. 
These are very rewarding projects especially for students that are not that keen to have a go on the larger metal lathes. Most times they will consider doing so after they have built up their basic skills and confidence on the smaller metal lathe.

Pewter castings 2016 year nine

A new year and some new designs from the year nine pewter casting lessons. The students complete these as their first project for the  year. Enjoy

 A before and after shot. what it looks like coming out of the cuttlefish mold and the finished product